Ir Iridium

Iridium is another vital component in hydrogen fuel cells.

Iridium is used in catalysts that can withstand high temperatures. South Africa is also a leading producer here. Economically, mining contributes to the country’s income, but, like platinum, local communities face significant environmental and social challenges. Iridium is refined in South Africa, where technologically advanced processes ensure high purity and quality.

Iridium is extracted as a by-product of platinum and nickel mining. It’s one of the most corrosion-resistant metals and is used in catalysts for hydrogen fuel cells. Due to its rarity and unique properties, iridium is highly valuable.

Mining in South Africa brings economic benefits, but significant challenges are related to environmental degradation and social issues. Refining processes in South Africa are advanced but energy-intensive. Like platinum, international pressure has increased focus on sustainable practices and improved working conditions.